近期主要的代表性论文、著作、专利 1.Zhang Peng,Yang Jingfang,Li Lei. Trajectory uniformity of the double-sided mechanical polishing of SiC single crystal substrate[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2020, 107(C);SCI 2.Zhang Peng, Feng Xianying, Yang Jingfang. Research of process parameters model in CMP of 6H-SiC (0001) single crystal wafer[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2014, 35(9): 096002-5; EI 3.张鹏, 冯显英, 杨静芳. 3英寸SiC衬底无架行星式双面抛光运动学分析[J]. 功能材料, 2015, 46 (18): 18105-18111; EI 4.杨静芳,冯显英,张鹏.轮辋宽度对轮胎不平衡量解算的影响[J].振动.测试与诊断,2016,36(02):276-282+400; EI 5.杨静芳,冯显英,张鹏.轮胎动平衡试验机系统偏心的动态补偿[J].振动.测试与诊断,2016,36(03):492-497+604; EI